Thursday 13 January 2011

Filming 1 - Wednesday 12th - Photography Studio, College

Estimated time: 1 hour
During the lunch hour, we invited some of our cast to come to the photography studio to film some of the short miming scenes which will be in the video to create a choppy, diverse and weird look for the video. After turning on the lights etc, we asked each cast member to go up one at a time and sing to the first two verses of the song. To save anyone being embarrassed, everyone sang along with them.
It did go well, although at times when I had to camera, I was allowing it to slip so that it looked slightly off place. Next time I will remember to turn the 'lock' part of the tripod on so that it doesn't look messy and we have more to edit. Everyone looked confident and we got some extra bits of filming of some of the cast members dancing, being silly etc which could look good in the video as it will reflect the fun vibe we are aiming for.

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