Thursday 6 January 2011

Experimental Stop Motion

I felt that becuase we are using stop motion in our video, I should practice filming and editing it. I used Leah and Cat who were on the same free as me.

I found that Stop Motion was really easy to make, but hard to edit. I am really pleased with this video and I feel that Stop Motion will work really well in my music video. I found t it was hard to edit as it can stop abruptly at the end and so I had to work out how to 'fade' the music and image which I still feel I didn't do as well as I could. Also, it could of been slightly longer.
I will also be making an experimental video on past paced editing to see how hard it is and to see what I can improve on to help me for when I edit my video.
I also need to remember to take many more photos than I did in the experiement because I did not have as many as I would of liked in the experiment.

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