Tuesday 14 December 2010

Research and planning: print work and advert feedback

Cat gave me really good feedback on my first draft of my print work and advert but I also wanted to get some other opinions so I put them on Facebook and tagged my friends into the photograph. The feedback from Cat helped me to make some vital changes to my print work and advert, for example I felt that the top left photo was too empty and therefore added lyrics over the top of the photo.

Feedback for digipack:
      • December 3 at 4:05pm · · 1 person
      • Josh Taylor
        The top left photo is really nice, I think it would be better used as the front cover, there's a lot happening in the bottom right one and I think it's a bit too cluttered what with the text an' all. I think if you used the same filter (guessing that's the wrong term) that's in Em's pic on the top right it would bring a bit more continuity overal?

        :) x
        December 4 at 7:54pm · · 1 person
      • Leah Dennison Agree with Josh, they sort of look mismatched because the edits are all slightly brighter than one another. If you sort out the contrasts and maybe switch over Em and Sam, so the writing is over the ginger then it will be sick x
        December 6 at 12:44pm · · 1 person
      • Milly Morris Thank you for the helpful feedback conrads :)xx

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