Shooting the photo's for print work was easy due to good organizational skills. Jodie and I bought all the equipment needed before hand eg: face paint, party poppers. We then decorated the set accordingly before the models arrived, moving furniture and arranging the setting to look good. When dressing and doing the models make up, we tried different styles till we found the one which we liked best. Most of the models were easy to work with and came across really well on the camera. We got them to move around the set, try different positions and different angles.
Here are the best photos from the shoot edited on Photoshop:

I really like this photo because Sam's face looks flawless and there was hardly any editing needed. I like the pose and her eyes look really pretty. It reflects the style of the video we want to create and that character she will be playing is a sophisticated and confident woman which is what she reflects in this photo.
I really like this photo because it looks really natural and really fun. It also captures the essence of a party and it is similar to shots we want to do in the video.

I really like this photo because of the bright colours and natural posing. It looks like someone has just taken a picture during an actual party, which really comes across well on camera.

I really like the pose in the photo. Also the make up, wall paper and patterns on the shirt all work really well together to create a striking image. I am really pleased with all the photographs of Emily because they all look really natural and odd in an original and unique way.
I love this photo because of the flirty pose. Sam also looks really comfortable, she was really good in front of the camera and threw herself into the poses. I especially like the vintage wall paper contrasting with the brightness of the model. I used a brightening technique on this photo and shadowed the wall paper. I also used a slight contrast across her face.
I really like the pose on this photo because it looks strong and confident. The styling of the photo reflects the weird, unique and fashionable style Jodie and I wanted to create for the video.
Great photos! As well as creative planning, sketching and so on, it's probably time to do some audience research - maybe arrange a focus group if you can. Certainly you can put your plans/moodboard on Facebook and ask some specific questions to get some audience feedback.