Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Casting meeting

Instead of having a casting meeting, we decided to brief our cast via sending them an email.

Right then lads...

You stunning people have been chosen to be in our Media Studies video. Now, there are different roles assigned to each of you but you need to say if it is a problem for you to get to the shoot or if you cannot take part for religious reasons/you hate me. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :) It will be after Christmas on a weekend but I just needed to brief you all so I know you are up for it.

The majority of you will be taking part in a party scene, which will take place in my garage. There will be expensive equipment in there, such as the big lights we are lugging to my house so you really cannot mess around else there will be no special snacks. Also, it is for our coursework, so if you do mess around we will fail miserably.

Sam Roberts, Cheung and Em will be acting as 'puppets' and we will get the costumes for you and tell you of the times and place you are needed. This is the same for Liv who is a 'wind up doll' at the start of the video.
This is the same for Sam, Leah Dennison, Roz, Emma Harrison and Emily Sparkes who will all be needed in the studio at some point for the 'narration' part of the video.

Here is a list of what you are all doing in the 'party':

Party people: Emma, Leah, Cat, Roz, Em, Pete, Jord, Sam Roberts, Leah Cheung, Jess Hill, Emily Sparkes, Sophie Milne, Beth Money, Louise Wilkinson.

Costume: For the girls, something you would wear to a party, preferably a dress and heels. THINK GLAMOROUS. Do quite heavy make up so it picks it up on the camera but if not then me and Jode will sort y'all out at my house.

There will be various shots of you dancing which will be slowed down to fit the song. Then there will be other shots of people, eg: people will be knocking back shots and others will be jumping on the trampoline and throwing food etc. We also need three girls to have a shot of them playing strip poker (obviously not naked) but if you arn't comfortable with this then that is fine.

You need to bring weird, random items such as a blow up crocodile. If you have silly string, fairy lights etc to coat my garage in this would also be useful.

Here are the videos we have gotten our inspiration from:

This is the song we are doing our video to:

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