Thursday, 14 October 2010

Media 2.0

List ways in which audiences are both producers and consumers of content...

There are various ways in which audiences are both producers and consumers of content. Sites such as Youtube allow audiences to produce and distribute their home made videos online, allowing people to watch them and comment on them. They can also watch other peoples videos. This also applies to sites such as MySpace where bands can upload their music and listen to other peoples as well.

How might the design for your promotional package for an album release respond to this shift from media 1.0 to media 2.0?

The shift from media 1.0 to media 2.0 allows the task of creating our promotional package a lot easier. Sites such as social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter allow us to ask our target audience about our promotional package, what they dislike and what they like about it. This also makes our task easier as people with the same task will be on social networking sites and therefore we can discuss various ideas.

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