My audience will be hedonistic mainstreams and a-c on the Jicnar scale. On appearance, they will seem to be following the crowd, but with a closer look will be shown to be intelligent and quirky. They will enjoy

They love going to big cities such as Bristol or London where the night life is exciting, cultural and youthful. They enjoy relaxing with family and friends on holidays, preffering to go abroad to hot coun
tries. They try and keep fit by eating healthily, going on runs and attending dance classes. Whilst running they like to listen to R&B or Hip-hop to get them motivated, for example Kayne West.
Although they will be glamorous and enjoy mainstream music, they will also have a quirky side to them and have a vintage take on clothes and make up. They will usually shop in places such as River Island, H&M and Urban Outfitters but may also get clothes from charity shops or vintage shops to create a 'unique' image. They love make up and always look immaculately dressed.
My audience would be interested in relationships but would always choose having a good time with their friends over a relationship.

My audience will attend festivals such as The Big Chill and for a few days, but would much prefer to be in a glamorous dress rather than wellies and covered in mud.
They regularly buy music, usually by downloading from Itunes, although they do own many CD's and also enjoy listening to older music on Vinyl. They really enjoy watching new music videos on Youtube and searching for new acts on

MySpace. They enjoy listening to feel-good music such as Beyonce whilst getting ready for a night out.
Good profile. You could add a bit more on how/how much they listen to and buy music.