After completing all parts of the video, digipack and advert, I decided it was a good time to evaluate my product by gathering audience feedback. The first method I did was to publish my video on the social networking site Facebook and to 'tag' people into the video who I felt were of the correct audience.
Many of the responses I gained from the feedback were not helpful to my evaluation, however, there were a few which I found useful.
We created a group on Facebook called 'Final Media Studies Focus Group' and added friends who fit into our target audience (shown below.)
Milly Morris
Hey guys, please please please watch this video and give appropriate feedback based around these questions.
1) Does the performance look convincing?
2) What genre of music would you say this video is aimed at?
3) What did you enjoy most about the video?
4) What could of been improved upon in the video?
5) Does it remind you of any other music videos/tv shows etc?
Please give good answers because this is for my evaluation and is reeeeally important, thanks fellas! :) x
1) Does the performance look convincing?
2) What genre of music would you say this video is aimed at?
3) What did you enjoy most about the video?
4) What could of been improved upon in the video?
5) Does it remind you of any other music videos/tv shows etc?
Please give good answers because this is for my evaluation and is reeeeally important, thanks fellas! :) x
However, only a few people commented on this page, even when I directly asked them to comment. This was really disappointing. When they did answer, however, it was positive feedback but they still did not answer the direct questions I had posted to the wall bar Emma Harrison and Mike Paul (shown below.)
Mike Paul
1. Yeah the close shots of all the people and the party make it seem realistic, the busy shots that are sped up really make it interesting.
2. Would say like indie rock and roll, but probably on a more quirky side of it? Alternative-indie-rock....ive just made a new genre.
3. Enjoyed the funny/ weird bits of the video such as the cream, bath/ ballpit and writing on the girls head.
4. Hard to pick on much, maybe more actors in the video to make it look more crazy, hard to do but could have been good for variety?
5. Possibly skins to an extent, teenagers getting together and acting stupid. Any music videos that show a 'crazy night' lol
2. Would say like indie rock and roll, but probably on a more quirky side of it? Alternative-indie-rock....ive just made a new genre.
3. Enjoyed the funny/ weird bits of the video such as the cream, bath/ ballpit and writing on the girls head.
4. Hard to pick on much, maybe more actors in the video to make it look more crazy, hard to do but could have been good for variety?
5. Possibly skins to an extent, teenagers getting together and acting stupid. Any music videos that show a 'crazy night' lol
1. Yes the performance does look convincing, it looks like a real par-tay
2. I'm not sure, because of the people in it I would say indie? But the song is quite poppy
3. The wink at the end.. JOKEZ 2K11. I like all the fast motion shinanagins
4. I don't know, all the cuts are really good and on beat, looks great :)
5. Some of the shots remind me of Skins, when they're all lying down looking bamboozled
2. I'm not sure, because of the people in it I would say indie? But the song is quite poppy
3. The wink at the end.. JOKEZ 2K11. I like all the fast motion shinanagins
4. I don't know, all the cuts are really good and on beat, looks great :)
5. Some of the shots remind me of Skins, when they're all lying down looking bamboozled
However, on other pages such as my profile page, many people did comment and give positive feedback.
- Rosie Hazell LOVE IT!!! It's actually amazing! Like waaaaaay better than I ever imagined.... Especially like the beginning, and all the speeded up bits :) (b ut don't like the bit with me singing ;) )Yesterday at 10:57am · ·
1 person
- Jodie Packwood likes this.
As you can tell, some of the feedback was not very useful as they did not answer the specific questions. Therefore, we decided to gather a group of friends that fit into our target audience and ask them specific questions. Here is the video below:
Summary of my audience feedback...
How have my audience been affected by the text?
I would say that the audience did enjoy the video, they were affected in a good way, they seemed to be excited by the video and responded to it in an enthusiastic manner. I would say that this was unexpected, I didn't think they would like the video as much as they did. The focus group shown in the video were interested in the costumes and make up, especially enjoying the parts with the puppets as they had the most radical make up and costume. Emma and Mike who responded on Facebook were very enthusiastic, saying that there wasn't many faults with the video. This was really unexpected and pleasing. The other, less helpful from friends were still really positive for example Christopher Swann wrote "This is awesome!" therefore I think some of my audience were affected in a positive manner by the video.
How did they read the text?
I feel that the focus group read the text in the manner that we intended, the preferred reading. We wanted them to get the party vibe contrasted with the weird, quirky costuming of the puppets etc which I feel they did by responses such as "It is indie but possibly with a more quirky side to it?" I feel that none of my audience were offended by the video as it was similar to many mainstream videos and texts such as Skins. I feel if we had asked an older audience, they may of had an oppositional reading and been offended.
What uses do they appear to be making of the texts?
I feel that my target audience would use the text to relate to their own social life and construct their own identity, they view the characters in the party scenes as friends for example, they found Leah's character (the girl in the video and digipack with short, black hair who was in many of the shots) as someone they would want to be friends with. This is because she is seen as the hedonistic leader, who they perhaps want to aspire to be like.
What sort of cultural capital are they using to help make sense of the text?
My focus group are using the cultural capital of knowing about teenagers and music. They are able to understand what type of clothes/make up/hair the cast members wear reflect inter textual references and their character eg: they could understand that Sam's character was representing the mainstream side of music as a female objectified for a male gaze. They are also able to see that Leah is playing the hedonistic role. This is because they are able to relate our music video to styles in the industry because of what their generation watch, for example, they understand that we have related our video to TV programme Skins whereas someone of a different generation with a different cultural capital would maybe not. Annabel is very into a different style of music and can therefore have a different cultural capital to help her make sense of the text. She enjoys really indie music, therefore does not agree with the others when they say that the video is indie, arguing that it is in fact a mainstream/R&B video as she has an intellect regarding indie music.
What sort of pleasures are being offered by your texts?
I would say that my three texts offer a variety of different pleasures. Firstly, judging by my audience feedback, it seems clear that they really enjoyed the variety of costumes and make up which were available in the video. I feel that they were able to enjoy the creativity of the video in this sense. They said that it made the video seem 'really quirky' which was exactly what we were aiming for. With regards to the digipack and advert, we got a similar response. Our audience felt that the costumes etc caused pleasure because of the creativity and thought that had gone into them. Many of the audience said that they enjoyed the fast paced editing of the video, their favourite parts because the shots of the cast with headphones on bobbing at a fast pace.
Don't just use feedback from people who are in the video! You need some more objective answers.