My audience feedback shows that I have a coherant package because in this video below my audience member answers questions relating to the product as a full brand, for example: What type of music do you think it represents? She answers that it would be a mainstream with a bit of indie, which is what we were trying to achieve and therefore have succeeded in creating a brand image. It seems clear in this clip of audience feedback that even my first draft of print work and advert was clearly a full product.
Why is marketing the house style so important?
The quality of the house style and brand image also shows the quality of your product. If you market a rushed and incoherent piece then you will not receive a good turnover from the product.
A house style reflects the product and therefore must have matching colours, cast etc. If it does not then it will be in coherent and unrecognisable as your brand.
The house style reflects your branding technique and the morals of your brand, for example if you are marketing a music product you will base its 'morals' around the type of music it is for eg: a mainstream, hip-hop music product may be based around the morals of having fun and the objectification of women and parties.
See the photographs below for examples.

Laura Marlings' brand image for this advert, digipack and video reflects the house style of chilled, indie music with a folk style. The sepia tones teamed with the unique advert reflect the brand image and make it recognisable. The morals reflected in the brand image are ones which promote individuality and creativity which also reflect her music.

Lil Waynes' brand image reflects morals of gangsta rap, the objectification of beautiful women and guns. This is shown in the dark colours, the slow motion movement of the women in the video, the gold, the tattoo's etc. The baby in the suit posing as Lil Wayne on the cover with a big diamond ring reflects the idea that Lil Wayne has always been a 'gangsta.' It is a very recognisable brand image as Lil Waynes tattoos and marketing make it clear for him to be recognised.